How I travel to collect my out-of-home parcels

I’ve been interested in my carbon footprint related to picking up my OOH parcels (versus door delivery) for a while now and here is a little recap of my own exercise. (For the figures I used: Carbon Footprint Calculator (, make sure to read “how it works” section which describes the assumptions made in the calculator).

Last year I made 38 online purchases. Mainly from Amazon, Ebay, followed by domestic e-shops.

All deliveries ordered into my closest APM (automated parcel machine) which is 1.5km (1.1km if I walk) from my home. Considering my moving habits, it is an excellent distance as it allows me to:

  1. have a 30-minute walk (or 10 minutes cycling) and combine parcel collection with grocery shopping or walking my dog.
  2. take a break from the long hours spent behind the computer.

So, out of the 38 parcels around 20 I picked up either on foot or by bicycle.

Total CO2 emitted: 0. (I know CO2 emitted isn’t actually zero while I cycle or walk and depends on my diet/pace etc., however I don’t find this substantially relevant here).

The remaining 18 parcel I picked up with my car. Out of those 18:

  • 12 were picked up part of my daily commute i.e., I didn’t make a dedicated drive to the APM but drove extra 1.6km part of my main journey to pick up parcels – combined CO2 emitted for the extra drives 3’671g
  • 6 were picked up as dedicated drive to the APM –combined CO2 emitted 3’205g

It is important to note that those figures also include courier delivery to the APM (not only my collection part).

Now, I wanted to compare this figure against CO2 emitted by home delivery, and to my surprise total CO2 emitted for 38 parcels combined would have been 6’879g CO2. I must mention that in few years’ time most of the last mile delivery vehicles will be electric whereas consumer vehicles lag behind so the home delivery emissions will see additional reductions…There are many variables in those figures such as nr of parcels per drive, travelling distance etc, but as a ballpark value – is this good enough to go OOH? Am I contributing enough to the climate targets?

Don’t get me wrong I’m a big fan on OOH deliveries and for our team at CollabNET sustainability is high on agenda, but this is still a relevant question to ask.

Do you go OOH? If so, what is your main driver doing so?